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Jul 26, 2024: 📰 # On Today’s Menu… 🚪 Scary 🚪 Very scary 🚪 Not scary at all.

Jul 25, 2024: 🧑🏼‍🦯💻 Some users of google Drive will get woke up on August 1, particularly some #Screen Reader users. Essentially, all the shortcuts have been …

Jul 25, 2024: It’s sad that explains me better than I explain myself. I’ve been asking other questions since then. Here’s the …

Jul 24, 2024: Took my #GuideDragon for a walk down to the Good Will and back to let me practice getting the timing between it and my long white cane in sync. Also …

Jul 24, 2024: For any of my #420 friends, I discovered this thing last month called #HHC. It comes in a couple different forms, but I like #etibles. The great thing …

Jul 24, 2024: Saw this yesterday and i’m all kinds of curious. It’s about time we start getting our own action figures. Barbie®️ Introduces the first …

Jul 24, 2024: I just discovered that #Fantastical lets you plan events by sharing an invite link with whoever you want however you want. You can even limit the …

Jul 23, 2024: I made the decision last week to incorporate a support cane in my life along with my white blindness cane. The handle is a dragon, so I’ve …

Jul 23, 2024: I’m not in this video about how to vote independently vote in Florida, but I did feel it was important to share.

Jul 22, 2024:

Jul 22, 2024: I would also like to announce I will not be running for the U.S. presidency this year. I endorse Alex the NB Ace Cat.

Jul 22, 2024:

Jul 22, 2024:…

Jul 22, 2024: 💻 Switched back to the Siri voices for voiceOver in the #iOS18 public beta, and went and switched my Mac back to the Siri voice. I forgout how muffled …

Jul 21, 2024: 📺 #NowStreaming Dark matter 2024 mini series Read this book some time ago and really enjyed it. I’ve always been fascinated by quantum theory …

Jul 21, 2024: 🍿 #NowWatching Kimi. It features a recluse who listens to voice assistant requests for work and hears a murder. Should go well with the McNuggets …

Jul 21, 2024: Me relaxing after an hour and a half #Swimming workout. Acceptable responses are you look like you’ve worked hard, or nothing at all. Teehee!

Jul 21, 2024: 🍿🍿 #NowWatching Changeling, 2009 film. Believe it or not, I’ve never watched this movie despite the name.

Jul 21, 2024: 🍿 #JustWatched Déjà Vu. Good film, but i thought it was a different story with a different actor. Unfortunately, I saw the preview for that film over …

Jul 20, 2024: 😿 Unfortunately, the night is full of thunder. 😽😽 Fortunately, Changeling’s meds aren’t doing their job so they’re up and I can get …

Jul 20, 2024: Just did the annual encrypted backup of my phone and installed the #iOS18 public beta. My favorite thing so far? command mode for #BrailleScreenInput.

Jul 20, 2024: It feels like a hang in my PJ’s kind of day, so I’ll do that and get some work done. Later, when the sun is a bit less out, maybe a …

Jul 19, 2024: 😎 That’s it. No more eating #KFC saucy nuggets with clothes on! #ObservationsAndHumor

Jul 19, 2024: Starship Changeling now has a Perplexity page because Wikkipedia is so 2006.

Jul 19, 2024: I don’t know it yet, but changeling’s taking me to the vet AGAIN!!! 🙀🙀🙀 Maybe I’ll get lucky enough to not have the sky booms going …

Jul 8, 2024: Here’s the situation: #Discord refuses to let me have the handle changeling. Therefore, I refuse to recreate/update the guide for screen …

Jul 8, 2024: I will be attending this because freedom gives free CEU credits. I figure if they want to give me stuff that is actually valuable to me for taking in …

Jul 5, 2024: 😸 Had my first vet appointment today. Not only was I subjected to the various indignities of such a trip, but Changeling was told to fill out a new …

Jul 5, 2024: I know what my next big tech purchase is, and it’s not from Apple, Amazon, Google or Microsoft. It’ll be the new guide robot from …

Jun 28, 2024: Does anyone know how to organize the content on a digital book cartridge so the navigation experience is comparable to an actual digital talking book? …

Jun 24, 2024: Want to know the awesome thing about being reliant on SSRI’s in America? You get to take your boss to get off your ass about being enthusiastic about …

Jun 23, 2024: Stay tuned to this thread and repost and favorite for the most fun. Who, among the sightlings can tell me the names of the #A11yDragons? If …

Jun 22, 2024: 📅🧞 June 22, 2024. Transition complete. Those of you who have been paying attention know. Those of you who have been otherwise occupied elsewhere will …

Jun 22, 2024: Creating and Using iMessage Links by Changeling and Perplexity AI Creating and using iMessage links can be a powerful way to streamline communication, especially for businesses or …

Jun 20, 2024: Today I learned how to create links that when opened, launch an iMessage conversation. I then discovered I can do this with platforms like Messenger, …

Jun 20, 2024: Scheduling and managing Zoom Meetings with JAWS

Jun 18, 2024: My newest creation. Description: Two cats float in an inner tube on a river. In the top left of the image is printed River cats.

Jun 17, 2024: Ashley the Dragon Plays Guitar As long as the music starts in you, it doesn’t matter who’s playing it. Image Description The image depicts a detailed black and white illustration of …

Jun 15, 2024: Some people got on my ass for using AI as a tool in my art. I hold it’s a piece of access technology. With that in mind, I made the following.

Jun 14, 2024: 😸 Changeling has a new medical laert bracelet. It’s big, shiny, dangly and more fun than any of my toys.

Jun 13, 2024: I enjoy telling sightlings I put nuclear launch codes in my alt text. This usually follows an exclamation of “Even you have to be able add alt text to …

Jun 13, 2024: Join us on Thursday, June 13 at Noon Eastern for the webinar, ClearView GO: Fold and Go to Work or School. Learn how the ClearView GO and foldable …

Jun 13, 2024: Arriving by August, 2024!

Jun 12, 2024: Got my first T-shirt back from the printer. Not bad.

Jun 11, 2024: One good thing about the world slowly slipping into the dark ages as the number of platforms that make crowd funding easy is that I’ll finally be able …

Jun 11, 2024: If there were a contest awarding a prize for the best graphic demonstrating the importance of accessibility for all, what would you submit? Text only …

Jun 11, 2024: BPI Fall Social I’ve been playing with canva and exploring its accessibility and whether or not alt text transfers out. in case it doesn’t, here’s a …

Jun 10, 2024: Thrust Your Opinion On Me! No really. It's fine. I’m almost sorry when new tech features come out now. They always seem to promote the new wave of people with a “truly unique” …

Jun 10, 2024: Realtime Reflections of WWDC2024 KeyNote It’s #WWDC2024!!! Watch this thread for my reactions. And watch the actual event on Apple’s Official Events site

Jun 10, 2024: I’ll be watching #WWDC2024 today at 13:00 Eastern and putting my thoughts as replies to one post. scan the QR code at 13:00 Eastern to be taken …

Jun 9, 2024: I have a finished design. Canva public page

Jun 8, 2024: I used Perplexity to help with the concept design, Canva with this proof of concept.

Jun 7, 2024: When i start the day only meaning to go to work, pick up my prescriptions and go home and also add in three hours arguing with DHL because they were …

Jun 6, 2024: If you’ll excuse me, I need to exchange all my #Apple gear for Microsoft and Android. At least they have a way for me to sync ringtones and …

Jun 5, 2024: Question: Who is gina and how does she organize the chaos? And how did she establish ownership over the chaos once she organized it?

Jun 4, 2024: 🧞 When you enter a social situation and someone misgenders you—not a huge deal, then makes such a show of correcting that everyone in the room has a …

Jun 4, 2024: 😸 Changeling has stripped all of the sheets off the bed for washing. I am staging a protest by lying on the mattress and pretending like nothing is …

Jun 4, 2024: I now have a Guest Appearances page that has links to all of my guest spots and guest hosting events.

Jun 4, 2024: This is definitely worth listening to, particularly the part about Braille books being burned. If you don’t see parody between that and what is …

Jun 4, 2024: I completely agree with this. lots of sites are “accessible”, but confusing as hell. When we are talking to technology companies like …

Jun 4, 2024: In reply to… Thank you for the kind words. also, for the chance to appear as part of this important project. Take 10 minutes to …

Jun 4, 2024: One feature has that other social networks don’t have or don’t do as well: AI generates alt text for images. they artistic …

Jun 3, 2024: Be a lamb and sing Mary Had a Little Lamb for me, Won’t you? Thanks.

Jun 3, 2024: Reply with Your Affirmations to Acknowledge Be my Eyes' New Inclusive language Guide!!! Received Be My Eyes’ Inclusive Language Guide. I am surprised by some of the results, particularly the ease with which person-first language (a …

Jun 3, 2024: @pawpower I forgot to tell you you were right about the holy bites.

Jun 2, 2024: Question for us to consider: How does it make you feel when a person is playing music for a group and someone says, “It’s not worth listening to if we …

Jun 2, 2024: Thanks to the customizability of, I was able to provide a description for my avatar. Enjoy.

Jun 2, 2024: The #Apple health app says there’s been a trend in my activity and workkout time lately. I can neither confirm nor deny this change.

Jun 2, 2024: I mentioned a couple of days ago that I was gearing up for a day at the beach. Someone expressed interest in my experiences as a synesthete and a …

May 31, 2024: This Book is Cool: Featuring guest Randy Reed Some of you may remember me talking about being on a webqast called “This Book is Cool.”. I just received the email with the finished …

May 30, 2024: 😎 There are two things I want by the time summer is over: is established as my place on the Internet. I want to be changeling. …

May 30, 2024: Getting ready for a day at the beach tomorrow! My favorite thing about this chair, it rocks. I’m Changeling, the Rocking Chair Dude!🧜🧞

May 30, 2024: Does anyone have an answer, Apple accessibility still hasn’t gotten back to me and nobody on AppleVis seems to know. thanks. …

May 30, 2024: Whole>Sum: Impressions of Stephen king's You like It Darker Finished reading: You Like It Darker by Stephen King 📚 If you like the classic short story as done by King, this book has a lot to offer. The Cujo …

May 30, 2024: With the exception of linkedIn, which I don’t consider to be social media, I’ve deactivated all of my social media. has …

May 30, 2024: The fact of the matter is, I learned to not have a name at an early age. I was always and still often am that 🧑‍🦯. It’s time to try something …

May 29, 2024: My latest entertainment is generating an Eleven Labs voice, then using that voice to create the following clip that plays whenever I push a wrong key.

May 29, 2024: A changeling After All 😎🧚🏻🐲 Was watching an old sitcom the other day and heard one of the characters refer to athe #LGBTQIA2ss+ community as, “the fae crowd”. …

May 28, 2024: Are we seriously not able to sync ringtones between our Mac and our iPhones in 2024 using voiceover? All the articles I can find on how to do it tell …

May 28, 2024: I’ve been playing with typing different things into Eleven Labs and seeing what comes out. Here is my latest creation. Listen at your own risk.

May 28, 2024: Three Things I Thoroughly Enjoy as a Synesthete Loading the Elevenlabs Text to Speech AudioNative Player... I don’t think being a synesthete gets blogged about as often as it should. I personally …

May 28, 2024: Hard lesson from the last two weeks: #SerotoninSyndrome is no joke. Some meds just have to be taken at specific times of day to prevent bad drug …

May 28, 2024: Creator of first comprehensive guide for using #Discord with #ScreenReaders says they won’t revise/make said guide available again until they …

May 28, 2024: #A11y issue with #UberEats app and proposed solution Accessibility Issue with UberEats App The main point I’m making is that there appears to be an accessibility issue with the UberEats app when …

May 27, 2024: [@Mtt] Hello, I’ve just installed the Tiny theme plugin for my website. When I go into the design page of, I see a …

May 27, 2024: 😎 The fact of the matter is I’ve pretty much quit social media. even my beloved mastodon feels overwhelming these days. I do think I’ve …

May 26, 2024: I’m a synesthete and my given name, Randy, feels like a slap between the shoulder blades, sometimes even when people aren’t yelling, but only …

May 26, 2024: One Thing I’ve gotten from Eleven Labs: If you’re not a singer, it won’t make you one. Lol

May 25, 2024: I made this using Eleven Labs. In my defense, I was left completely unsupervised. Welcome Aboard The Starship Changeling announcement. English and …

May 25, 2024: This post intentionally left blank. Please go on to the next post.

May 24, 2024: Only a few people will enjoy it, but I got to be filmed using my 🍏💻 using Elloquence and have a Freedom Scientific JAWS🦈 come up in my Gmail when I …

May 23, 2024: Greetings from The Starship changeling. I hope someone at this point is having better sleep than i am…

May 20, 2024: 🧑🏼‍🦯🛫⬆️🛬䷄🛫↖︎🛬🏳️‍🌈🌉🚈🏨 When it’s my independent air travel experience and it also involves this many steps, the last thing I want to see on the …

May 20, 2024: I Just hacked Sighted People!!! For all my kindred spirits in the blind community, I’ve just figured out how to hack sighted people. Next time they forget to provide an …

May 20, 2024: 😸 The changeling was listening to a song I didn’t like–all the screaming, okay? So I grab his hand and start washing it, and …

May 20, 2024: Mature Reflection Concerning Apple's Disrutptive ipad ad After thinking about it, here’s what I’ve decided about the Apple #iPad ad that stirred the pot: Aple is known as a disruptor. Because our …

May 20, 2024: 💻 If Apple Just makes VoiceOver more functional on any of the new OS’s this year, I’d be happy. screen readers’ updates don’t …

May 19, 2024: Randy’s Love Languages: An overview of how to be a good friend and/or leader My Love Languages Loading the Elevenlabs Text to Speech AudioNative Player... To Be Included in my users’ manual should it serve me to take the time …

May 19, 2024: 😸 The changeling has a new set of wimming pants. They are hot pink, made of a light material that shows off the muscular tone of their legs and the …

May 19, 2024: I just through out a bathing suit that was falling apart that I bought back in 2009 when I was attending Florida Gulf coast University because it was …

May 19, 2024: 😸 the alien has been spending a lot of time talking to the people in the shiny noise box with buttons. they also spend a lot of time swimming. I think …

May 19, 2024: 📰 I have changed the format and frequency of my newsletter. It now only comes out monthly, is contains long-form posts and is titled Sit With me: …

May 18, 2024: 😎 I’m frustrated with the universe in general; it’s my stasis. Sometimes, I just let loose a big sigh and we all nobody can do anything …

May 18, 2024: 😎 It’s Saturday afternoon. What are you doing in your home?

May 18, 2024: Last night, someone asked me about my CMS and some markdown in general. I then gave a 10-minute speech on Markdown,, The IndieWeb and the …

May 18, 2024: Let My Changeling Go! A memoir of Championing Discord in the Blindness Community I want to take a minute to express my displeasure (growing whenever I think on it) with Discord. To some of you, it will seem like not a big deal. For …

May 17, 2024: In reply to… I like when people actually talk about things going on in their lives, rather than just posting a …

May 17, 2024: I’ve been reading all this info on #microblogging in general, and all the tips are for trying to get the attention of sightlings. There’s …

May 17, 2024: Hello Ace Couple. Nice to see you again. Here’s some food for thought. I think it might resonate with you. …

May 17, 2024: If you don't like topics like sexuality and gender, sit in the corner and hum a hymn as you fondle the symbol of your faith with one hand and stroke your Good Book with the other, why don't you. 🐲 It’s also worth mentioning I’ve largely exited the Asexual community because they are generally younger, angry and not yet tired enough by life to …

May 17, 2024: All Hopped Up I finally figured out why this week has essentially been Hell Week for me and anyone who had to deal with me in any capacity: The new meds the doctor …

May 16, 2024: What We Worry About: A Repost of someone who is exercising their right to be disgusted I don’t necessarily agree with the tone of this post, but I do the sentiment. Also, this is my way of reminding you living blind is not a case …

May 16, 2024: Shelly Brisbin

May 16, 2024: Something You Didn't Know About me 05/16/2024 Something you didn’t know about me… The first experience I had that showed me I shouldn’t have to fight for accommodation was not …

May 16, 2024: I’ve updated my about page. It’s been a long time coming.

May 16, 2024: 📗 Yes And 📗 Yes And Definition Pronunciation: Yes. AND! Derived from the shorthand of the first rule of improv. No questions. Always respond with Yes …

May 15, 2024: Then and Now: On blind social media users and their use/choice not to use profile pics, complete with much deeper message for readers who are a step ahead. 😎🧑🏼‍🦯 Since my newest frontier into the Fediverse, I’ve become aware of just how many blind and visually impaired folks are out there with no …

May 15, 2024: 🛜 Now listening To… Gina’s Organized Chaos List of Songs i’ve heard On The Show i Like…

May 15, 2024: 📅 Destination0 Safety Forum 📅 Long-Range Transportation planning Meeting

May 15, 2024: #😎 Something Most People Don’t Understand About Me If I’m cursing, disagreeable as some might find it, you’re fine. If I start using …

May 15, 2024: 📅 Learn about Access AI

May 15, 2024: Daily menu for May 15, 2024 🌅 Good morning, imaginary friends in the shiny box. Are you gorgeous? Remember, gorgeous can go beyond physical appearance; it’s a state of mind …

May 14, 2024: Sonos: Pride cometh before the customer experience.

May 14, 2024: 📅 1note with JAWS

May 14, 2024: I’m willing to bet Apple will have similar functionality at their Keynote. All these companies are basically doing the same thing right now. …

May 14, 2024: 📅 It’s time for Google IO2024!!! 🎰 The actual event doesn’t start until 13:00 Eastern for me, but watch this post as I’ll be …

May 14, 2024: 📢 Good morning, Internetians. Are you gorgeous? on Today’s Menu… ✅ Shave ✅ Daily swim Provide tech support to someone 📅 Google IO! Hang …

May 13, 2024: The ultimate Intro Post Welcome :) Imagine a social media experience where you log into one place and get all your content from across the Internet. Imagine a social media …

May 13, 2024: 🥂🥂 Hello everyone, and welcome aboard The Starship Changeling. Please continue to be patient as we work to onboard everyone as soon as possible. Thank …

May 13, 2024: 📋 On today’s menu… Catch up on tech news from the last 4 days Shave Daily swim Schedule more inservices for work Timesheet Start the …

May 12, 2024: Whenever I eat gator tail, I like to think I’m scoring one for the dragons and dinosaurs who lived in harmony before the alligators sailed in from …

May 12, 2024: In the world of Non-24, there are no late starts, just unconventional ones. Ditto early mornings, late nights, typical days, etc.

May 12, 2024: Happy Birthded Agay 🎶👯Got exposed to another group of waitresses singing “Happy Birthday to You” to a diner. It started out in the key of D and looked promising, but then …

May 12, 2024: I’ve just finished adding emoji to all my categories on my site. If you’re seeing this in another corner of the Fediverse, you can follow …

May 12, 2024: 📅 Beach Day with the Lighthouse

May 12, 2024: I’m sure this is already making its way around the Fediverse. It has to do with the Sonos post I shared last week. Jonathan Mosen’s Facebook post has …

May 11, 2024: 🧑‍🏫🧑‍🦯 Dear teachers of the visually impaired, On behalf of all congenitally blind children and mobility specialists who work with adults, please do …

May 11, 2024: Want to read: You Like It Darker by Stephen King 📚 It’s already pre-ordered. Will maybe try to rer Cujo before it comes out.

May 11, 2024: 💻 📚 Apple Card kept my Audible membership from being renewed multiple times. I lost 4 credits and two days of fighting with the two entities to get …

May 10, 2024: Always order more chicken nuggets than you want. By creating a short supply with high demand, you’re guaranteeing crispy fresh chicken nuggets …

May 10, 2024: On Today’s Menu… • Rhumatology appointment to continue receiving meds. • ‘Pick up new sleepy time meds. • Eat • Take up space. • Go to the …

May 8, 2024: Swimming or Whatever Loading the Elevenlabs Text to Speech AudioNative Player... Why? I’m live in the blind community, and one of the things that comes up is trouble …

May 8, 2024: 🎵🛜 Now listening to Organized Chaos on X Transmission FM with Nightdrake. She well-rounded musically, also reads a lot of books and gives enough of a …

May 8, 2024: 🧑‍🏫 Did you know you can only follow the categories you want from The Starshipchangeling? Just see the categories link in the navigation region of any …

May 8, 2024: 🎶 This micro blog of mine, I’m gonna let it shine! This micro blog of mine, I’m gonna let it shine.

May 8, 2024: The Mirror Lesson I found this post on Mastodon and thought it was too good not to share. Bathroom A private school recently was faced with a unique problem. A number …

May 7, 2024: Panda Definition Pronounced pan-duh. My personal word that refers to someone for whom I am experiencing panalterous attraction, a grey area …

May 7, 2024: Now watching Drawn Together Not sure what I think just yet, but it was recommended to me by one of my pandas.

May 7, 2024: I wasn’t in agreement with This article at first, but I was changing my mind by the end of it. It explains why I don’t always answer texts …

May 7, 2024: The Rabbit Listens, The Goon Knows Finished reading: The Rabbit Listened by Cori Doerrfeld 📚 I won’t spoil it by including the message of the story, but I will say it’s a …

May 7, 2024: Finished reading: Bad Moon Rising by Jonathan Maberry 📚 3/5 stars. Would have liked it better if the National library Service had had this trilogy …

May 6, 2024: Trying to work myself up to doing my morning swim. What are some of y’all’s favorite workout routines or self-motivation techniques? It’s Motivation …

May 5, 2024: Where’s the fourth book in the trilogy!!!???

May 4, 2024: This is an accessibility nightmare. How would you feel if you ivested thousands of dollars into an ecosystem and it suddenly became unuseable and …

May 4, 2024: Where’s my 420 family? I do tend to talk a lot about cannabis and bannabis-related topics and humor. If you want to follow this category of …

May 4, 2024: My experience says that is where my forever posts go, and mastodon is where I put the things I want out there but go away after awhile. I …

May 4, 2024: Good morning, citizens of the internet. Are you gorgeous?

May 4, 2024: I agree with this post. There’s nothing that bothers me more than hearing, “Picture of the event flyer.” or something like that. …

May 3, 2024: ,Just in case you were wonering, I still swim.

May 3, 2024: The Nonbinary Experience What’s being nonbinary like for you? To understand what it’s like to be Nonbinary for me personally, imagine that you are in a room with people …

May 3, 2024: I would also find the accessibility annoyances in this article frustrating. The advice given here applies not just to banking sites, but all websites. …

May 2, 2024: Physiverse Physiverse Pronounced fizzy-verse or fizza-verse. Short for physical universe, refers to physical world. Replaces the term in real life (IRL) in the …

May 2, 2024: Why Changeling? (CW for mentions of discrimination, child abuse) Changeling and some Numbers I’ve been on the Internet for many years, and I’ve seen many strange handles—even used some of them. In my early twenties, …

May 2, 2024: Hello world.

May 2, 2024: This is a test of the Starship changeling brodcast system. Had this been a real message, you wouldn’t be able to make sense of it.