by Changeling and Perplexity AI

Creating and using iMessage links can be a powerful way to streamline communication, especially for businesses or individuals who want to make it easy for others to contact them. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you understand the process:

iMessage links are special URLs that, when clicked, open the Messages app on an Apple device and pre-fill the recipient’s information and optionally the message body. These links are particularly useful for initiating conversations quickly without the need to manually enter contact details.

  1. Identify the Recipient: Determine the email address or phone number of the recipient. For example, if the recipient’s email is, the basic iMessage link would be:
    When this link is clicked on an iPhone, iPad, or Mac, it will open the Messages app with as the recipient.

Adding a Pre-Filled Message

  1. Add a Body Parameter: You can also pre-fill the message body by adding a body parameter to the link. For example, to pre-fill the message with “Hello”, the link would be:
    This way, when the link is clicked, the Messages app will open with as the recipient and “Hello” already typed in the message field.

Using Phone Numbers

  1. Using Phone Numbers: If you prefer to use a phone number instead of an email address, the format is similar. For example, to send a message to the phone number 1234567890, the link would be:
    And to pre-fill the message body:
    This will open the Messages app with 1234567890 as the recipient and “Hi” in the message field.

On Social Media and Websites

  1. Share on Social Media: You can share these links on platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, LinkTree, and TikTok. This allows your followers or customers to easily start a conversation with you via iMessage.

  2. Add to Websites: You can also add these links to your website. For example, you can create a button or a widget on your landing page that users can click to contact you via iMessage. This is particularly useful for businesses that want to provide quick customer support.

  1. HTTPS Links: If you need a solution that works across different platforms (not just Apple devices), you can use HTTPS links. These links can detect the user’s device and redirect them accordingly. For example, if the user is on an iPhone, they will be redirected to the iMessage link; otherwise, they can be redirected to another URL or a different messaging app like WhatsApp or Telegram.

    Example of an HTTPS Link:👋

    This link will open an internet browser, check if the user’s device is an iPhone or Mac, and then redirect them to the appropriate messaging app or URL.

Practical Tips

Disabling Rich Previews

  1. Disable Rich Previews: Sometimes, you might want to send a link without the rich preview that iMessage generates. To do this, you can place a period before and after the link. For example:
    This will send the link as plain text without the preview.
  1. View Shared Links: If you want to see all the links shared in a conversation, you can tap on the contact’s name at the top of the message thread, scroll down, and find the “Links” section. This feature is available in iOS 17 and later.

By following these steps, you can create and use iMessage links effectively, making it easier for others to contact you and enhancing your communication efficiency.

Sources [1] iMessage Link Preview Tool - RenderForm [2] Technical Note TN2444: Best Practices for Link Previews in Messages [3] What are iMessage deep links and how to use them? [4] Links not clickable in iMessage app - Apple Developer Forums [5] Create an ‘iMessage Me’ link | Beau Giles [6] How to type an address in iMessage that will correctly Hyperlink to … [7] How to send a link in a text message (SMS) - Omnisend [8] Apple Messages for Business Templates — Rich Links Template