I know what my next big tech purchase is, and it’s not from Apple, Amazon, Google or Microsoft. It’ll be the new guide robot from @glidance.io. Had a demo of the device on Wednesday and it’s been decided.

    My newest creation.

    Description: Two cats float in an inner tube on a river. In the top left of the image is printed River cats.

    Two cats float in an inner tube on a river. In the top left of the image is printed River cats.

    Ashley the Dragon Plays Guitar

    As long as the music starts in you, it doesn’t matter who’s playing it.

    Image Description

    The image depicts a detailed black and white illustration of a dragon playing an electric guitar. The dragon has a fierce expression, with sharp teeth and scales, and it is depicted with wings and a long tail. The guitar is white, contrasting with the dragon’s dark, textured body. Surrounding the dragon are the words “Play,” “Sing,” “Love,” “Loud,” “Louder,” and “Loudest” in various colors: “Play” and “Sing” are in pink, “Love” is in red, “Loud” is in yellow, “Louder” is in a darker yellow, and “Loudest” is in the darkest yellow. The background is black, making the dragon and the guitar stand out prominently."

    <img src=“https://starshipchangeling.net/uploads/2024/850e30c4fa.jpg" width=“600” height=“600” alt=“The image depicts a detailed black and white illustration of a dragon playing an electric guitar. The dragon has a fierce expression, with sharp teeth and scales, and it is depicted with wings and a long tail. The guitar is white, contrasting with the dragon’s dark, textured body. Surrounding the dragon are the words “Play,” “Sing,” “Love,” “Loud,” “Louder,” and “Loudest” in various colors: “Play” and “Sing” are in pink, “Love” is in red, “Loud” is in yellow, “Louder” is in a darker yellow, and “Loudest” is in the darkest yellow. The background is black, making the dragon and the guitar stand out prominently.">

    If there were a contest awarding a prize for the best graphic demonstrating the importance of accessibility for all, what would you submit? Text only descriptions of the graphics are perfectly fine.

    The image shows a scene with a person sitting at a desk, facing a computer screen. The person is surrounded by five colorful dragons, each with a unique color: green, blue, red, pink, and purple. The dragons appear to be interacting with the person or the computer. Above the image, the text reads "Accessibility," and below the image, the text reads "Is For Everyone!" The overall message seems to emphasize the importance of accessibility for all.

    BPI Fall Social

    I’ve been playing with canva and exploring its accessibility and whether or not alt text transfers out. in case it doesn’t, here’s a description of the imbedded design: The image is a promotional poster for an event called the “BPI Fall Social” happening in September 2024. The text “Join the fun at bpi.gay” is written at the top. The central part of the image features a colorful, fantastical dragon with vibrant scales in shades of blue, green, purple, and red. The dragon is perched on a bridge over a river, with a city skyline in the background. The sky is filled with dramatic, colorful clouds, suggesting either sunrise or sunset. The text “BPI Fall Social” is overlaid on the image of the dragon.

    BPI Fall Social by Randy Reed (Changeling)

    My latest entertainment is generating an Eleven Labs voice, then using that voice to create the following clip that plays whenever I push a wrong key.

    I’ve been playing with typing different things into Eleven Labs and seeing what comes out. Here is my latest creation. Listen at your own risk.

    One Thing I’ve gotten from Eleven Labs: If you’re not a singer, it won’t make you one. Lol

    What We Worry About: A Repost of someone who is exercising their right to be disgusted

    I don’t necessarily agree with the tone of this post, but I do the sentiment. Also, this is my way of reminding you living blind is not a case of God bless us, and we don’t all sit around eagerly awaiting some afterlife where we get back what we never had. This is what we worry about. Sit with that on your next long commute that takes significantly longer by bus, why don’t you. You should.


    📗 Yes And

    📗 Yes And


    Pronunciation: Yes. AND!

    Derived from the shorthand of the first rule of improv.

    No questions. Always respond with Yes and… Before adding more detail to said improv.

    Simplification for expression of the often complex state in which two conclusions are true at one time and are technically thought of and are not necessarily exclusively separate from each other, meaning these two conclusions can always be true at the same time, but many people cannot function in a way that allows for true validity of both conclusions, usually for reason of bias, inexperience, or yes and. Depending on the situation, there can be more than two valid conclusions. Bias, inexperience, pride, self-preservation, yes and.

    Being able to function in a state of yes and is an indicator of emotional maturity if not good or gradually improving mental health.

    Other examples not given as many yes and situations involve socially polarized statements and ideas typically found allover the place.

    📅 It’s time for Google IO2024!!! 🎰

    The actual event doesn’t start until 13:00 Eastern for me, but watch this post as I’ll be replying to it with my impressions. You can also interact in real time if you’re registered on the Fediverse.