My Love Languages

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To Be Included in my users’ manual should it serve me to take the time to right one

  1. Quality time: Essentally, if you don’t have it, can’t give it, won’t share it, please move along. I’m sure you’re a nice person, but we’re just not compatible.
  2. Acts of service: Quality time breeds trust. Once I trust you, I feel comfortable with and demonstrate my appreciation by returning the favor.
  3. Physical touch: I want it; a little goes way.
  4. Gift giving: It only works if the top 3 are firmly established and it’s given because you thought of me, rather than because it’s a certain time of year and you feel obligated toed.
  5. Words of Affirmation: Unless you’re a corporate type and you’re limited by years of conditioning, or HR needs such a statement on record, you can skip this step. By this point, you’re my friefriend. Generally speaking, I don’t need an explanation. CONGRATULATIONs! 🎰