🐲 My Asexual Stories

    🍃🐲 Have you joined the Ace High Club? It’s an alternate to the traditional mile-high club for Asexuals where in an Asexual consumes cannabis before or during a flight and winds up high while they’re a mile up. I actually thought this was the Mile High club until someone pulled me aside and gently explained the difference.

    🐲🐲🐲 I’ve recently had occasion to reflect on when I feel a friendship is close. As a 36+ year-old ace, I’ve had close Friends that after romantically partnering were no longer close. The result is I am extremely hesitant to acknowledge I have a close Friendship. This sometimes causes me to be on a different page form others. All I can ask for is patience.

    I made the decision last week to incorporate a support cane in my life along with my white blindness cane. The handle is a dragon, so I’ve finally gotten my wish of having a guide

    I would also like to announce I will not be running for the U.S. presidency this year. I endorse Alex the NB Ace Cat.

    📅🧞 June 22, 2024. Transition complete. Those of you who have been paying attention know. Those of you who have been otherwise occupied elsewhere will catch up.

    Ashley the Dragon Plays Guitar

    As long as the music starts in you, it doesn’t matter who’s playing it.

    Image Description

    The image depicts a detailed black and white illustration of a dragon playing an electric guitar. The dragon has a fierce expression, with sharp teeth and scales, and it is depicted with wings and a long tail. The guitar is white, contrasting with the dragon’s dark, textured body. Surrounding the dragon are the words “Play,” “Sing,” “Love,” “Loud,” “Louder,” and “Loudest” in various colors: “Play” and “Sing” are in pink, “Love” is in red, “Loud” is in yellow, “Louder” is in a darker yellow, and “Loudest” is in the darkest yellow. The background is black, making the dragon and the guitar stand out prominently."

    <img src=“https://starshipchangeling.net/uploads/2024/850e30c4fa.jpg" width=“600” height=“600” alt=“The image depicts a detailed black and white illustration of a dragon playing an electric guitar. The dragon has a fierce expression, with sharp teeth and scales, and it is depicted with wings and a long tail. The guitar is white, contrasting with the dragon’s dark, textured body. Surrounding the dragon are the words “Play,” “Sing,” “Love,” “Loud,” “Louder,” and “Loudest” in various colors: “Play” and “Sing” are in pink, “Love” is in red, “Loud” is in yellow, “Louder” is in a darker yellow, and “Loudest” is in the darkest yellow. The background is black, making the dragon and the guitar stand out prominently.">

    🧞 When you enter a social situation and someone misgenders you—not a huge deal, then makes such a show of correcting that everyone in the room has a front row seat to to the shit show… That, I’ve just discovered, is worse than someone getting it wrong by accident to begin with or just not giving a fuck and doing whatever they want..

    In reply to x.com/debramjac…

    Thank you for the kind words. also, for the chance to appear as part of this important project.

    Reply with Your Affirmations to Acknowledge Be my Eyes' New Inclusive language Guide!!!

    Received Be My Eyes’ Inclusive Language Guide. I am surprised by some of the results, particularly the ease with which person-first language (a lot of work for no pay-off in my experienced opinion as a receiver of this language) is being ushered out the door. I acknolwledge I have some unlearning to do in this area, mostly pushing back on the administrations’ idea that person-first language is still correct. FTR, I still taking each person’s lead on which language you use is still the most fullproof way to go.

    A changeling After All

    😎🧚🏻🐲 Was watching an old sitcom the other day and heard one of the characters refer to athe #LGBTQIA2ss+ community as, “the fae crowd”. Not saying that a good name for the community as a whole–pretty sure it’s not, but if we take it as a possible name and at how i’ve lived my life and where I’ve ended up in relation to this specific community, the name Changeling seems more and more appropriate all the time.

    Three Things I Thoroughly Enjoy as a Synesthete

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    I don’t think being a synesthete gets blogged about as often as it should. I personally find my multi sensory experiences actually give me a knack for looking at situations from different angles. It also carries a special relationship with, if not talent for words and music. I’ve three of my favorite experiences here to get the ball rolling, and this may be the first of a series of long and short-form posts that communicate my experiences with Synesthesia. With that, let’s get on to the big three, to coin a phrase.

    1: Early Morning and Evening swims

    Randy up to their shoulders in the swimming pool with the pool house behind them in the background after dark with night lighting on.
    There’s a lot at work here. First, there’s the texture of the water. It feels like liquid circles when I touch it. It feels like the most flexible wrapping material when I’m in it.

    There’s also the combination of aromas. There’s chlorine, used suntan lotion, meals being cooked in other apartments and laundry soap sometimes. These combine with the texture of the water to help create a relaxing experience.

    Finally, there’s music if I’m playing it, the sounds of outside if I’m not. These sounds create their own textures which combine with everything else I’ve just described. I think I’ll save sounds to textures for another post.

    2: Climbing into Freshly Laundered Bedsheets

    These are already pretty soft. Combine that feel with some fabric softener with the right scent, and this is a quick and easy way for me to relax. It can be further enhanced for me by showering before bedtime. More on certain smells and the textures they cause in future posts.

    3: 💓 Laying on Someone’s Chest and Listening to their Heartbeat

    Here, the heartbeat creates a nice, warm soft and reliable texture. It makes the person seem substantial to me. It also provides a nice undertone while we watch a movie or something.

    The texture of the person’s arm enhances this experience. It provides a tangible corollary to the intangible I’ve just described.


    I named three experiences I find extremely enjoyable as a person living with synesthesia. I feel there’s enough groundwork here for future posts on this topic and will probably strive to have at least one out per week. Do you also experience synesthesia? What are some of your favorite experiences? See how you can contribute to the conversation below.

    Randy’s Love Languages: An overview of how to be a good friend and/or leader

    My Love Languages

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    To Be Included in my users’ manual should it serve me to take the time to right one

    1. Quality time: Essentally, if you don’t have it, can’t give it, won’t share it, please move along. I’m sure you’re a nice person, but we’re just not compatible.
    2. Acts of service: Quality time breeds trust. Once I trust you, I feel comfortable with and demonstrate my appreciation by returning the favor.
    3. Physical touch: I want it; a little goes way.
    4. Gift giving: It only works if the top 3 are firmly established and it’s given because you thought of me, rather than because it’s a certain time of year and you feel obligated toed.
    5. Words of Affirmation: Unless you’re a corporate type and you’re limited by years of conditioning, or HR needs such a statement on record, you can skip this step. By this point, you’re my friefriend. Generally speaking, I don’t need an explanation. CONGRATULATIONs! 🎰

    If you don't like topics like sexuality and gender, sit in the corner and hum a hymn as you fondle the symbol of your faith with one hand and stroke your Good Book with the other, why don't you.

    🐲 It’s also worth mentioning I’ve largely exited the Asexual community because they are generally younger, angry and not yet tired enough by life to keep them from making your online life a nightmare if you fuck up. The result is even when I was having a nice time in those communities, I always felt on edge. In their attempt to make a safe space for everyone, they wound up having the reverse effect on me. I can tell myself it might say bad things about me as a person all I want, but it never managed to curb the feeling. It’s also why it took me so long to accept that I was nonbinary. I didn’t want to adopt a role that would require me to make others feel bad. So I privately classify myself as gender unimportant so I can just start living already without neglecting a big piece of my personality pie. 🏳️‍🌈