πŸŒ… Good morning, imaginary friends in the shiny box. Are you gorgeous?

Remember, gorgeous can go beyond physical appearance; it’s a state of mind and feeling.

πŸ“‹ On today’s menu…

  • πŸͺ’ Shave
  • 🏊 Swim
  • πŸ“² Call some people
  • πŸ’» Maybe fix a computer -πŸ§‘β€πŸ« Start my figurative Twelfth Step
  • πŸ›œ Stream an Internet radio show and hang out on Discord.
  • πŸ₯¬ Get a little high -πŸ“± Hang online with friends

🎢 Today’s Changeling Wakeup Song

I Believe in a Thing Called Love–The Darkness It was their only real hit, but there’s no denying that dude’s got some kickass falsetto.

Have a good one!