Only a few people will enjoy it, but I got to be filmed using my 🍏💻 using Elloquence and have a Freedom Scientific JAWS🦈 come up in my Gmail when I opened. Randy’s bag of random brand technology is officially open.

    Greetings from The Starship changeling. I hope someone at this point is having better sleep than i am…

    🧑🏼‍🦯🛫⬆️🛬䷄🛫↖︎🛬🏳️‍🌈🌉🚈🏨 When it’s my independent air travel experience and it also involves this many steps, the last thing I want to see on the delta site is, “We are unable to process your blindness and low vision accommodations. Please try again later.” Not once, not twice, but thrice.

    I Just hacked Sighted People!!!

    For all my kindred spirits in the blind community, I’ve just figured out how to hack sighted people. Next time they forget to provide an accommodation, try saying, “Thank you for paying me the complement of forgetting I am blind. Nevertheless, i am blind.” then tell them what you need. It wakes them up just enough.

    😸 The changeling was listening to a song I didn’t like–all the screaming, okay? So I grab his hand and start washing it, and wouldn’t you know, I just happened to hit the thumbs-down on their watch with my paw and get a better song.

    Mature Reflection Concerning Apple's Disrutptive ipad ad

    After thinking about it, here’s what I’ve decided about the Apple #iPad ad that stirred the pot:

    Aple is known as a disruptor. Because our society approaches certain topics with outright polarization, the only way to continue being a disruptor is to meet society where it is. In other words, the company wanted to wake us up and it worked. We’ll all remember even if we don’t actually watch said ad.

    💻 If Apple Just makes VoiceOver more functional on any of the new OS’s this year, I’d be happy. screen readers’ updates don’t need to be exciting. Stop regarding them as headline makers and think of them a bit more like antivirus software that way. 🧑🏼‍🦯

    Randy’s Love Languages: An overview of how to be a good friend and/or leader

    My Love Languages

    Loading the Elevenlabs Text to Speech AudioNative Player...

    To Be Included in my users’ manual should it serve me to take the time to right one

    1. Quality time: Essentally, if you don’t have it, can’t give it, won’t share it, please move along. I’m sure you’re a nice person, but we’re just not compatible.
    2. Acts of service: Quality time breeds trust. Once I trust you, I feel comfortable with and demonstrate my appreciation by returning the favor.
    3. Physical touch: I want it; a little goes way.
    4. Gift giving: It only works if the top 3 are firmly established and it’s given because you thought of me, rather than because it’s a certain time of year and you feel obligated toed.
    5. Words of Affirmation: Unless you’re a corporate type and you’re limited by years of conditioning, or HR needs such a statement on record, you can skip this step. By this point, you’re my friefriend. Generally speaking, I don’t need an explanation. CONGRATULATIONs! 🎰

    😸 The changeling has a new set of wimming pants. They are hot pink, made of a light material that shows off the muscular tone of their legs and the damn fool looks cuter in them than i do on my best days. I just worry the humans won’t be friendly to an alien in pink swim shorts…

    • I just through out a bathing suit that was falling apart that I bought back in 2009 when I was attending Florida Gulf coast University because it was too big.
    • I had to change my weight on my medical ID, medical marijuana ID renewal application and health charts from 215lbs to 171lbs.
    • I’ve never been in shape quite like this.

    😸 the alien has been spending a lot of time talking to the people in the shiny noise box with buttons. they also spend a lot of time swimming. I think the shiny box people are brainwashing my alien, so i lay on the computer to protect them. They’re mine. Back off.

    📰 I have changed the format and frequency of my newsletter. It now only comes out monthly, is contains long-form posts and is titled Sit With me: Articles From Starship Changeling. You can subscribe at starshipchangeling.net/subscribe

    😎 I’m frustrated with the universe in general; it’s my stasis. Sometimes, I just let loose a big sigh and we all nobody can do anything about it.

    😎 It’s Saturday afternoon. What are you doing in your home?

    Last night, someone asked me about my CMS and some markdown in general. I then gave a 10-minute speech on Markdown, micro.blog, The IndieWeb and the pros and cons of all three. I managed clear, without realizing it, an entire Clubhouse room but the few of us that were engaged. It was totally unexpected and I loved every minute of x.

    Let My Changeling Go! A memoir of Championing Discord in the Blindness Community

    I want to take a minute to express my displeasure (growing whenever I think on it) with Discord. To some of you, it will seem like not a big deal. For those of you who have experienced something like this, you’ll understand. I’m not actually trying to get something done, I’m just talking about it to talk about it.


    I wrote my guide for using Discord with screen readers. I expanded and maintained it until 2022 when I became too ill to keep up with the changes, give participation to feedback in Discord’s accessibility server, or write 300 words a week to correct terminology and descriptions for UI changes that were minor, but could potentially cause screen readers to behave unpredictably. For my time and dedication and work to convince as many members of the blindness community as possible to embrace Discord, I received a T-shirt with their logo just before they changed said logo.


    I was also a Nitro subscriber and had been for a few years when Discord changed their policy concerning usernames. Prior to, I was Changeling#0001. I checked in preparation for the change, I researched and found that the accounts with changeling in their names, the one where the name was just changeling and no other words were inactive. When it came time for me to choose, I found one of the inactive accounts had gotten my preferred username, Changeling.

    No Reply

    I contacted support and explained. I then politely requested a change be made so I could have my username. I sent that email back in April of 2022; no response has come. I even tried DMing the account owner and asking if they’d mind switching since they weren’t using the account.

    Turning Point

    This is when I decided ed that no longer would I offering my services as an accessibilitye consultant for free. Compensation needn’t be monetary, but it needs to go beyond the proverbial Coke® and a smile. See my about page for ways get in touch.

    Your Turn

    Has this ever happened to youou? Share in the replies.

    In reply to starshipchangeling.net/2024/05/1…

    I like when people actually talk about things going on in their lives, rather than just posting a cryptic caption with a picture. Even when it has description, it just doesn’t feel quite human to me.

    I’ve been reading all this info on #microblogging in general, and all the tips are for trying to get the attention of sightlings. There’s definitely a time and a place for that, I’d like my microblogging to be by blind people. Asa #blind social media user, what gets your attention from posters? let’s try go beyond the normal content #A11y talking points. I’ll start by posting in the replies. Click here to learn more about Randy/Changeling

    Hello Ace Couple. Nice to see you again. Here’s some food for thought. I think it might resonate with you. starshipchangeling.net/2024/05/1…

    If you don't like topics like sexuality and gender, sit in the corner and hum a hymn as you fondle the symbol of your faith with one hand and stroke your Good Book with the other, why don't you.

    🐲 It’s also worth mentioning I’ve largely exited the Asexual community because they are generally younger, angry and not yet tired enough by life to keep them from making your online life a nightmare if you fuck up. The result is even when I was having a nice time in those communities, I always felt on edge. In their attempt to make a safe space for everyone, they wound up having the reverse effect on me. I can tell myself it might say bad things about me as a person all I want, but it never managed to curb the feeling. It’s also why it took me so long to accept that I was nonbinary. I didn’t want to adopt a role that would require me to make others feel bad. So I privately classify myself as gender unimportant so I can just start living already without neglecting a big piece of my personality pie. 🏳️‍🌈

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