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About Changeling

Welcome to The Starship Changeling! My name is Randy, but I often go by Changeling. I am an accessibility (#A11y) and inclusion specialist with a deep passion for making the world a more inclusive place for everyone. My interests are diverse, ranging from horror novels to roller coasters, and I am always eager to share my experiences and insights.

On this platform, I discuss a variety of topics that are close to my heart. These include:

  • Blindness and Accessibility: I frequently talk about issues related to blindness and accessibility, sharing my personal experiences and advocating for better inclusion practices.
  • Technology: As a tech enthusiast, I explore the latest advancements and how they can be leveraged to improve accessibility.
  • Books and Literature: I am an avid reader, particularly of horror novels, and I enjoy discussing my favorite reads and recommendations.
  • Personal Projects and Activities: From my daily routines to special projects, I share snippets of my life, including playful moments with my partner Alex.

Thank you for visiting The Starship Changeling. I hope you find the content engaging and informative. Feel free to explore and join the conversation!

For more detailed information, an email address is available, and respectful messages are welcome. Please also explore the various sections of the website or follow my updates on [Mastodon](### About Changeling

Welcome to The Starship Changeling! My name is Randy, but I often go by Changeling. I am an accessibility (#A11y) and inclusion specialist with a deep passion for making the world a more inclusive place for everyone. My interests are diverse, ranging from horror novels to roller coasters, and I am always eager to share my experiences and insights.

On this platform, I discuss a variety of topics that are close to my heart. These include:

  • Blindness and Accessibility: I frequently talk about issues related to blindness and accessibility, sharing my personal experiences and advocating for better inclusion practices.
  • Technology: As a tech enthusiast, I explore the latest advancements and how they can be leveraged to improve accessibility.
  • Books and Literature: I am an avid reader, particularly of horror novels, and I enjoy discussing my favorite reads and recommendations.
  • Personal Projects and Activities: From my daily routines to special projects, I share snippets of my life, including playful moments with my partner Alex.

Thank you for visiting The Starship Changeling. I hope you find the content engaging and informative. Feel free to explore and join the conversation!

For more detailed information, an email address is available, and respectful messages are welcome. Please visit the various sections of the website or follow my updates on micro.blog, Threads, BlueSky, or in the RSS reader of your choice. If you only wish to receive long-form a newsletter called “Sit With me: Articles From the Starship changeling” is also available. it can be found on the page Subscribe to Sit with Me.

Thank you! And enjoy your ride on Starship Changeling!