
    Scan the QR code now to watch what I’m watching.

    <img src=“https://starshipchangeling.net/uploads/2024/jackpot.png" width=“512” height=“535” alt=“The QR Code shows Changeling on a slot machine. The text below reads, “Scan me now for somethin’ good!!!” The text is bold.">

    I realized the other day that the password for Chime I have in 1Password is not correct. When I was unable to reset my password through their standard password reset, I wasn’t getting the final email I needed. Calling them got me someone who advised me to log out of the mobile app and try resetting my password that way. I let them know I wouldn’t be doing that as that was the only access I had to the account at this point. I still have no password reset email.

    💻🎶Playing with the haptic feature of Apple Music in iOS18. Through the Fire and Flames by Dragon Force is the coolest experience I’ve had with it so far because of the fast rums and guitar and piano.

    I love this idea.

    Do not reply - cards by Dan Hon 


    This is a test.

    Burgers on the grill to conclude Labor Day weekend.

    🍿 Now watching Holes, 2003 fikm

    I just had the experience of using Braille Entry mode in iOS18 to move to specific posts in my timeline at a moment where I wasn’t too dense to recognize what an awesome benefit that is. It’s an interesting way of addressing the bouncy cursor of VoiceOver without fixing it.

    This appears to be a full guide while being concise I may revisit these come Christmas.

    I’m not concerned with whether or not the law does in fact protect children so much as I am curious about how many more of these lawmakers can hope to reign in the Internet under this particular guise. I think the guise of protecting the children has been played so much in relation to the Internet that some are desensitized enough to the possibility of child harm caused by the Internet that they’re actually able to give practical consideration to the proposals and their implications if held up.

    Social networks can’t be forced to filter content for kids, says judge - The Verge

    Labor Day barbicue. There are also baby-back ribs for those who feel a more traditional approach is in order.> file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/C9E4D84C-2316-4019-945A-7326124241F2/tmp/documents/C9DA01BD-ACF1-4954-9C0B-8F334CC60E5D/PHOTO-2024-09-01-18-41-20.jpg

    You know, the whole concept of reading the timeline from the bottom to the top in chronological order is an outdated way of doing things for me. Opening myself up to alternate ways of consuming my socials will actually eliminate a lot of the crap from my timeline.

    📰💻 Just opened an article from The Verge and experienced Apple Intelligence’s ability to summarize. To did a really good job at answering the 5 W’s and the H%2C then I went on to read the article and found it to be a more fulfilling read about a topic that interested me%2C but I had everything I needed from the summarization. If Apple could make their tech summarize social media feeds%2C that shit would be amazing.

    This is a test of the Internet bradcast System (IBS). Had this been on the real Internet%2C there would be a lot more cussin’ and fussin’. This concludes today’s IBS test.

    📰💻 Got the notification this morning that it was My Time to experience !AppleIntelligence. I’m asking Perplexity questions about it and trying things out.

    💻📰Took the plunge:

    • Installed #iOS18.1 beta
    • Joined Apple Intelligence Waitlist.

    One cool thing about this morning’s vaccination clusterfuck: I was able to use #BeMyEyes and #BeMyAI to independently browse the soda coolers and get the right pop I wanted. What kind of pop? Let’s just say I got the right one baby! Uh huh! Maybe someone out there is old enough to get the reference.

    If you Don't like long posts complaining about medical stuff, skip this one

    Of all my medical experiences, this was certainly one of them.

    I went to get my COVID booster in preparation for my trip to Minnesota in September. I scheduled a 9:00 AM appointment at the CVS Pharmacy right next to my office, thinking it would be quick and convenient. However, when I arrived, I was informed that they no longer accepted Blue Cross Blue Shield. When I asked about the cost of the shot without insurance, they said they didn’t know how to bill for it without insurance. They then suggested I go to a Walgreens down the road, seemingly oblivious to my sarcasm when I replied, “I’ll just hop in my car and drive over there. Thank you so much for your help.”

    I then headed to Walgreens, which accepts my insurance, only to discover that they wouldn’t have the booster until September. The problem is that the vaccine needs time to be fully effective. Additionally, the Walgreens “just down the road” is actually across US41 at an intersection that even I—someone who used to film myself crossing major highways regularly—find unsafe. This issue is further complicated by the fact that Uber won’t do a 0.3-mile trip, so I ended up spending an extra $20 on Uber rides to find this out.

    There were plenty of other CVS locations I could have chosen. In fact, this was the second time in two years that I attempted to get a COVID booster at this specific location and was turned away, even though I qualified for the vaccine both times with the same pharmacist. I decided that since they had inconvenienced me significantly, I wasn’t leaving without my booster. I walked back in and, after explaining that the shot I needed wasn’t available at the location they suggested, I insisted on getting the shot there. I succeeded, but the staff at that CVS charged me $202 for it.

    It’s been an expensive morning.

    There’s a fun surprise at starshipchangeling.net/discord-g… Everyone should go check it out. You can also visit starshipchangeling.net/discord to join the Starship Changeling Discord server.

    😸 Remember when Changeling asked, “If there was someone in your life who could only be comforted by singing them Mary Had A Little Lamb, would you do it?” They were talking about me. Attempting to manage me in any way without singing that will not end well for .

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