
    This Book is Cool: Featuring guest Randy Reed

    Some of you may remember me talking about being on a webqast called “This Book is Cool.”. I just received the email with the finished product. See my photos page

    Helen Keller – This Book is Cool

    Whole>Sum: Impressions of Stephen king's You like It Darker

    Finished reading: You Like It Darker by Stephen King 📚

    If you like the classic short story as done by King, this book has a lot to offer. The Cujo sequel was actually my least favorite, but the story that gets used to sell a collection usually is the one I like the least. I think it’s because that story gets so much hype, then the actual thing ends up being a let down. I liked “Fin”, “The Fifth step” and “Daniel Coughlin’s Bad Dream” the best. Even so, this is a collection where the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.👍🏼

    Want to read: You Like It Darker by Stephen King 📚 It’s already pre-ordered. Will maybe try to rer Cujo before it comes out.

    💻 📚 Apple Card kept my Audible membership from being renewed multiple times. I lost 4 credits and two days of fighting with the two entities to get the thing fixed. Thing is, I almost didn’t renew because the Audible app and Airplay are always at odds on the best of days.

    The Rabbit Listens, The Goon Knows

    Finished reading: The Rabbit Listened by Cori Doerrfeld 📚

    I won’t spoil it by including the message of the story, but I will say it’s a good one. I was thinking, am I a good rabbit? In the bunniverse, I’m the goon. I listen, but I also have a chaotic thought process and energy which yields results that create forces and ideas not ideal for all riders.

    That’s okay, The Bunniverse also has this overlord–

    Did I say overlord? I meant benevolent caretaker.

    Anyway, she calls herself The Good Fairy. In a world where the caretaker has to put “Good” in their name, I’d rather be a goon, even if it is the punishment for not following the rules. If the rabbit listens, then the goon knows not to trust someone who needs to put “Good”. Similar self-praising adjectives should also apply. The same with people smile too much, always talk in a happy voice, always insist on keeping it positive, etc.

    So when the song that features She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is sung, I wonder how many people memorize a moral that was told to them. The moral being follow the always follow the rules of the one who takes care you or be turned into a creature your group, your society finds objectionable, apparently the worst possible outcome in this scinario.

    Good Fairy?"

    I also hope there are those who listen and follow the rules based on a trust factor. I’ve always valued being trusted more than I value being liked. I think that’s why that song annoys the holy Hell out of me.

    Finished reading: Bad Moon Rising by Jonathan Maberry 📚 3/5 stars. Would have liked it better if the National library Service had had this trilogy properly chronicled so I would have realized this was not the first but third in the series. Also would have helped if the author had put book numbers in the titles.