
    💻 Switched back to the Siri voices for voiceOver in the #iOS18 public beta, and went and switched my Mac back to the Siri voice. I forgout how muffled the Elloquence voices are on #Apple things.

    📺 #NowStreaming Dark matter 2024 mini series

    Read this book some time ago and really enjyed it. I’ve always been fascinated by quantum theory and multiple realities.

    🍿 #NowWatching Kimi. It features a recluse who listens to voice assistant requests for work and hears a murder. Should go well with the McNuggets I’m having for lunch.

    Me relaxing after an hour and a half #Swimming workout. Acceptable responses are you look like you’ve worked hard, or nothing at all. Teehee!

    🍿🍿 #NowWatching Changeling, 2009 film. Believe it or not, I’ve never watched this movie despite the name.

    🍿 #JustWatched Déjà Vu. Good film, but i thought it was a different story with a different actor. Unfortunately, I saw the preview for that film over 17 years ago while waiting to see Ghost Rider back when we came out of our forests to go to the movies, so I don’t recall it clearly.

    😿 Unfortunately, the night is full of thunder. 😽😽 Fortunately, Changeling’s meds aren’t doing their job so they’re up and I can get in the chair with them and snuggle down between their butt and the arm. #CatsMeow

    Just did the annual encrypted backup of my phone and installed the #iOS18 public beta. My favorite thing so far? command mode for #BrailleScreenInput.

    It feels like a hang in my PJ’s kind of day, so I’ll do that and get some work done. Later, when the sun is a bit less out, maybe a nightswim.

    😎 That’s it. No more eating #KFC saucy nuggets with clothes on! #ObservationsAndHumor

    Starship Changeling now has a Perplexity page because Wikkipedia is so 2006.

    I don’t know it yet, but changeling’s taking me to the vet AGAIN!!! 🙀🙀🙀 Maybe I’ll get lucky enough to not have the sky booms going on while we’re riding in some stranger’s car. #CatsMeow

    Here’s the situation: #Discord refuses to let me have the handle changeling. Therefore, I refuse to recreate/update the guide for screen readers. I’m sure at least one of us knows how to fix this.

    I will be attending this because freedom gives free CEU credits. I figure if they want to give me stuff that is actually valuable to me for taking in advertisements for their products, who am I to stop them?

    Want to get the most out of your online shopping experience with JAWS? Join us Thursday, 07/11 at Noon ET to learn how Picture Smart AI can help you gain deeper insights when searching for products. #FreedomScientificTraining

    😸 Had my first vet appointment today. Not only was I subjected to the various indignities of such a trip, but Changeling was told to fill out a new client form at check-in. It turned out all right, but Changeling is getting good at turning on that What a stupid bitch? face on when someone says something like that to them now. It’s good they’re standing up for themselves more.

    I know what my next big tech purchase is, and it’s not from Apple, Amazon, Google or Microsoft. It’ll be the new guide robot from @glidance.io. Had a demo of the device on Wednesday and it’s been decided.

    Does anyone know how to organize the content on a digital book cartridge so the navigation experience is comparable to an actual digital talking book? Thank you in advance.

    Want to know the awesome thing about being reliant on SSRI’s in America? You get to take your boss to get off your ass about being enthusiastic about things and there’s not a fuckin’ thing he can do about it as long as. The meds are actually prescribed to you and you can show it. Now if you’like excuse me, I have a note to request from my doctorr.

    Stay tuned to this thread and repost and favorite for the most fun.

    Who, among the sightlings can tell me the names of the #A11yDragons? If You’re blind and a screen reader user, just sit back and enjoy the funn by watching this thread.

    Destiny is seated at a desk, facing a computer screen, with her back to the viewer. She is wearing a blue cloak or robe and has blue hair or a blue head covering that matches the cloak. Surrounding her are five colorful dragons:  - Talor, the green dragon, positioned to her left, is relaxed and playful, likely to find Destiny an acceptable playmate and would enjoy playing video games with her. Talor might give up if muzzled. - Brittany, the pink dragon, next to Talor, is friendly and affectionate, likely to cuddle Destiny while singing and would be the best caregiver if Destiny were sick. Brittany is also the most likely to sing "Mary Had A Little Lamb" or "Little Bunny Foo Foo." - Evan, the purple dragon, to the far left, is calm and thoughtful, making him the best choice for a therapist and likely to entertain Destiny's alternative tastes. Evan would hum a song if muzzled and is most likely to sing "Jesus Loves Me" or "The More We Get Together." - Sarah, the blue dragon, to her right, is focused and attentive, making her the most capable of carrying a tune and the best communicator for Destiny if she were unable. Sarah is likely to sing "Shake It Off." - Skylar, the red dragon, to the far right, is intense and ambitious, likely to lead a sing-along and might try to muzzle another dragon. Skylar would persist in singing even if muzzled and is most likely to sing "Crocodile Rock."  The overall theme emphasizes that accessibility is for everyone, with each dragon contributing to a supportive and inclusive environment.
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