
    One cool thing about this morning’s vaccination clusterfuck: I was able to use #BeMyEyes and #BeMyAI to independently browse the soda coolers and get the right pop I wanted. What kind of pop? Let’s just say I got the right one baby! Uh huh! Maybe someone out there is old enough to get the reference.

    If you Don't like long posts complaining about medical stuff, skip this one

    Of all my medical experiences, this was certainly one of them.

    I went to get my COVID booster in preparation for my trip to Minnesota in September. I scheduled a 9:00 AM appointment at the CVS Pharmacy right next to my office, thinking it would be quick and convenient. However, when I arrived, I was informed that they no longer accepted Blue Cross Blue Shield. When I asked about the cost of the shot without insurance, they said they didn’t know how to bill for it without insurance. They then suggested I go to a Walgreens down the road, seemingly oblivious to my sarcasm when I replied, “I’ll just hop in my car and drive over there. Thank you so much for your help.”

    I then headed to Walgreens, which accepts my insurance, only to discover that they wouldn’t have the booster until September. The problem is that the vaccine needs time to be fully effective. Additionally, the Walgreens “just down the road” is actually across US41 at an intersection that even I—someone who used to film myself crossing major highways regularly—find unsafe. This issue is further complicated by the fact that Uber won’t do a 0.3-mile trip, so I ended up spending an extra $20 on Uber rides to find this out.

    There were plenty of other CVS locations I could have chosen. In fact, this was the second time in two years that I attempted to get a COVID booster at this specific location and was turned away, even though I qualified for the vaccine both times with the same pharmacist. I decided that since they had inconvenienced me significantly, I wasn’t leaving without my booster. I walked back in and, after explaining that the shot I needed wasn’t available at the location they suggested, I insisted on getting the shot there. I succeeded, but the staff at that CVS charged me $202 for it.

    It’s been an expensive morning.

    There’s a fun surprise at starshipchangeling.net/discord-g… Everyone should go check it out. You can also visit starshipchangeling.net/discord to join the Starship Changeling Discord server.

    😸 Remember when Changeling asked, “If there was someone in your life who could only be comforted by singing them Mary Had A Little Lamb, would you do it?” They were talking about me. Attempting to manage me in any way without singing that will not end well for .

    See? My Friends by me the best gifts. My friends could learn a thing or two… Note the first instance of Friends is capitalized. #BlindBarbie #NonbinaryThings

    The image shows a person sitting indoors, holding a Blind Barbie® doll. The person is bald and wearing a dark blue T-shirt with a graphic design on it. They are smiling slightly and looking towards the camera. The Blind Barbie® doll they are holding has long brown hair and is dressed in a pink top and a purple skirt. The doll is also holding a small white cane, similar to those used by visually impaired individuals. In the background, there is a table with some items on it, a large plant, and a window with curtains. The setting appears to be a casual indoor environment, possibly a dining or living area.

    Currently reading: The Passage by Justin Cronin 📚

    This was a special request by @JDenning@mastodon.lol He and I enjoy this kind of thing.

    Changeling, the Accessibility Dragons and Pennywise The Dancing clown are floating down a river in lounge chairs. The caption: We all float down here!

    😎 I just want to take a minute to say thank to everyone who was supportive during the last few days. Your comments and interactions meant a lot. I’m not always go at expressing how I feel with words, so I make these pictures.

    I was discharged yesterday afternoon. More follow-up appoinments are needed, but at least I’m on regular food again.

    A green and pink alien running from the gallows after winning a game of Hangman.

    I had a boy 11lbs 5oz.

    The image depicts a whimsical, cartoon-like character designed to resemble a hemorrhoid. The character has a large, red, wrinkled appearance, with a big, wide smile showing its teeth. It is wearing oversized, bright pink sunglasses, adding a humorous touch. The character has small arms and legs, giving it a playful and lighthearted look. The background is plain and neutral, which makes the character stand out prominently.

    There’s a party going on in Room 315!!!

    The image shows a green alien with large black eyes sitting on a toilet in a bathroom. The alien is wearing a pink suit and is reading a colorful book. The bathroom has white tiled walls and a teal shower curtain with pink stripes. There is a roll of toilet paper on a holder next to the alien. At the top of the image, there is text that says "thirking place," which is a playful misspelling of "thinking place."

    📰 Just found out Monday’s the day when they’re gonna stick a scope in both ends and try to figure out WTF is going on. Monday’s also the day I find out if my ass and face look the same… Hopefully the doctor doesn’t get mixed up!

    Blood transfusions can be fun!!! Seriously, though, bring a book or something. It’s 4 hours of being strapped to a bed via an IV line, and you can’t even sleep because they keep coming in to check your vitals every 5 minutes or so.

    💻🧑🏼‍🦯 Just signed up for the #Glide installment plan. This is the closest I’ve ever come to going iPhone fan crazy over any product.

    💻 Installed new Betas on Mac and iPhone today. The neural Siri voices just keep getting more natural and responsive when used for #VoiceOver. They also fixed the system voice in Mac, so my Zoom calls were narrated in part by the Bells novelty voice that I use to have my Mac say the time.

    📰 Good morning, Fediverse. Are you gorgeous?

    📰 Did you know Starship changeling has a Discord server? It’s fairly low traffic but interesting things do happen there from time to time. Visit starshipchangeling.net/discord to join.

    📰 Finally cancelled my masts.host subscription and deleted my web hosting instance before it renews. I am officially living in micro.blog!

    😎 The sucky part about being a remote worker–you don’t get the day off when the office internet goes out.

    📺 #NowWatching Stephen King’s The Stand (1994 mini series). It is available on Apple TV for $5.

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