
    See? My Friends by me the best gifts. My friends could learn a thing or two… Note the first instance of Friends is capitalized. #BlindBarbie #NonbinaryThings

    The image shows a person sitting indoors, holding a Blind Barbie® doll. The person is bald and wearing a dark blue T-shirt with a graphic design on it. They are smiling slightly and looking towards the camera. The Blind Barbie® doll they are holding has long brown hair and is dressed in a pink top and a purple skirt. The doll is also holding a small white cane, similar to those used by visually impaired individuals. In the background, there is a table with some items on it, a large plant, and a window with curtains. The setting appears to be a casual indoor environment, possibly a dining or living area.

    Currently reading: The Passage by Justin Cronin 📚

    This was a special request by @JDenning@mastodon.lol He and I enjoy this kind of thing.

    Changeling, the Accessibility Dragons and Pennywise The Dancing clown are floating down a river in lounge chairs. The caption: We all float down here!

    😎 I just want to take a minute to say thank to everyone who was supportive during the last few days. Your comments and interactions meant a lot. I’m not always go at expressing how I feel with words, so I make these pictures.

    I was discharged yesterday afternoon. More follow-up appoinments are needed, but at least I’m on regular food again.

    A green and pink alien running from the gallows after winning a game of Hangman.

    I had a boy 11lbs 5oz.

    The image depicts a whimsical, cartoon-like character designed to resemble a hemorrhoid. The character has a large, red, wrinkled appearance, with a big, wide smile showing its teeth. It is wearing oversized, bright pink sunglasses, adding a humorous touch. The character has small arms and legs, giving it a playful and lighthearted look. The background is plain and neutral, which makes the character stand out prominently.

    There’s a party going on in Room 315!!!

    The image shows a green alien with large black eyes sitting on a toilet in a bathroom. The alien is wearing a pink suit and is reading a colorful book. The bathroom has white tiled walls and a teal shower curtain with pink stripes. There is a roll of toilet paper on a holder next to the alien. At the top of the image, there is text that says "thirking place," which is a playful misspelling of "thinking place."

    📰 Just found out Monday’s the day when they’re gonna stick a scope in both ends and try to figure out WTF is going on. Monday’s also the day I find out if my ass and face look the same… Hopefully the doctor doesn’t get mixed up!

    Blood transfusions can be fun!!! Seriously, though, bring a book or something. It’s 4 hours of being strapped to a bed via an IV line, and you can’t even sleep because they keep coming in to check your vitals every 5 minutes or so.

    💻🧑🏼‍🦯 Just signed up for the #Glide installment plan. This is the closest I’ve ever come to going iPhone fan crazy over any product.

    💻 Installed new Betas on Mac and iPhone today. The neural Siri voices just keep getting more natural and responsive when used for #VoiceOver. They also fixed the system voice in Mac, so my Zoom calls were narrated in part by the Bells novelty voice that I use to have my Mac say the time.

    📰 Good morning, Fediverse. Are you gorgeous?

    📰 Did you know Starship changeling has a Discord server? It’s fairly low traffic but interesting things do happen there from time to time. Visit starshipchangeling.net/discord to join.

    📰 Finally cancelled my masts.host subscription and deleted my web hosting instance before it renews. I am officially living in micro.blog!

    😎 The sucky part about being a remote worker–you don’t get the day off when the office internet goes out.

    📺 #NowWatching Stephen King’s The Stand (1994 mini series). It is available on Apple TV for $5.

    📰 Just got an emergency alert that we are under a flash flood warning until 21:30 Eastern.

    🍿 It’s a wonderfully dreary/spooky day and the mood feels right. #NowWatching It, 2017 and It Chapter Two

    📰 Hit the pool at 07:30 and did my swim workout as it rained steadily. Just in case the news in other places is making the tropical storm sound worse than it is in my location.

    • Ordered Meta Smartglasses.
    • Received confirmation of the order.
    • Received notification the order had been cancelled with no explanation for the cancellation.
    • Contacted support.
    • Received the information in the email 5 times.
    • Said fuck it and told the useless tosser they could explain to their supervisor they’d just lost the company a sale.
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