- starshipchangeling.net is established as my place on the Internet.
- I want to be changeling. As someone British once said, “Don’t dream it; be it.”
Thanks to the customizability of micro.blog, I was able to provide a description for my avatar. Enjoy.
The #Apple health app says there’s been a trend in my activity and workkout time lately. I can neither confirm nor deny this change.

I mentioned a couple of days ago that I was gearing up for a day at the beach. Someone expressed interest in my experiences as a synesthete and a 🧑🏼🦯. All I can say about the motion of the ocean and my own movement to stay up are probably the closest I’ll ever come to knowing how a 🐉 feels when it flies. Trying to go beyond that would just involve a lot of descriptions people wouldn’t be able to process. All I have beyond that are a couple pictures and a playlist of songs that enhance the sounds, texture, color and overall experience of the beach.
This Book is Cool: Featuring guest Randy Reed
Some of you may remember me talking about being on a webqast called “This Book is Cool.”. I just received the email with the finished product. See my photos page
😎 There are two things I want by the time summer is over:
Getting ready for a day at the beach tomorrow! My favorite thing about this chair, it rocks. I’m Changeling, the Rocking Chair Dude!🧜🧞
Does anyone have an answer, Apple accessibility still hasn’t gotten back to me and nobody on AppleVis seems to know. thanks.
With the exception of linkedIn, which I don’t consider to be social media, I’ve deactivated all of my social media. micro.blog has everything I could ever want.
The fact of the matter is, I learned to not have a name at an early age. I was always and still often am that 🧑🦯. It’s time to try something else. elsev
My latest entertainment is generating an Eleven Labs voice, then using that voice to create the following clip that plays whenever I push a wrong key.
Are we seriously not able to sync ringtones between our Mac and our iPhones in 2024 using voiceover? All the articles I can find on how to do it tell me to drag and drop, but I don’t know where to drop the file and all my attempts are failing. Does anyone know how to go about this?
I’ve been playing with typing different things into Eleven Labs and seeing what comes out. Here is my latest creation. Listen at your own risk.
Hard lesson from the last two weeks: #SerotoninSyndrome is no joke. Some meds just have to be taken at specific times of day to prevent bad drug interactions.
Creator of first comprehensive guide for using #Discord with #ScreenReaders says they won’t revise/make said guide available again until they get desired Discord username. Open Letter to Discord CEO
[@Mtt]9micro.blog/Mtt) Hello, I’ve just installed the Tiny theme plugin for my website. When I go into the design page of micro.blog, I see a bunch of error messages that thing aren’t processing properly. I can provide a full list if you like, but it seems to be looking for microhooks I haven’t yet installed.
On the site where I publish, if I click on any of the posts and open the link to that post, i get a message that says, “The page you requested is still being published. It should be available soon.”
What am I doing wrong and how do I fix it? Also, why does your theme have no uninstall button? Holy lockins, Batman!
Thank you.
😎 The fact of the matter is I’ve pretty much quit social media. even my beloved mastodon feels overwhelming these days. I do think I’ve truly found my home at micro.blog. I don’t scroll through FB, Instagram or Threads timelines. I just follow the users that interest me from those platforms.
I’m a synesthete and my given name, Randy, feels like a slap between the shoulder blades, sometimes even when people aren’t yelling, but only conveying acceptance, resignation or general readiness. Changeling, however, has a nice feel no matter what. I think it’s got something to do with all those hard consonants tongue tie people and make any truly strong voice truly achievable.
One Thing I’ve gotten from Eleven Labs: If you’re not a singer, it won’t make you one. Lol
I made this using Eleven Labs. In my defense, I was left completely unsupervised.
Welcome Aboard The Starship Changeling announcement. English and Spanish.
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