If there were a contest awarding a prize for the best graphic demonstrating the importance of accessibility for all, what would you submit? Text only descriptions of the graphics are perfectly fine.

Thrust Your Opinion On Me! No really. It's fine.
I’m almost sorry when new tech features come out now. They always seem to promote the new wave of people with a “truly unique” opinion they just have to thrust upon you without geeting your concent to become aware of said opinion. I liked the world better when things like religion, politics and personal choices were matters of the heart and not a branding avenue.
Realtime Reflections of WWDC2024 KeyNote

It’s #WWDC2024!!! Watch this thread for my reactions. And watch the actual event on Apple’s Official Events site
I’ll be watching #WWDC2024 today at 13:00 Eastern and putting my thoughts as replies to one post. scan the QR code at 13:00 Eastern to be taken to my thread and to be provided with a link to the official event.

I have a finished design. Canva public page

I used Perplexity to help with the concept design, Canva with this proof of concept.

When i start the day only meaning to go to work, pick up my prescriptions and go home and also add in three hours arguing with DHL because they were more focused on their corp policy rather than fixing their mistake and I get to read them the riot act and use my Don’t F with me, Sport! voice on a DHL manager, I know almost anything is possible from today.
If you’ll excuse me, I need to exchange all my #Apple gear for Microsoft and Android. At least they have a way for me to sync ringtones and their accessibility help desks give you answers other than, Well it works for us so we don’t know what the problem is.
Question: Who is gina and how does she organize the chaos? And how did she establish ownership over the chaos once she organized it?
😸 Changeling has stripped all of the sheets off the bed for washing. I am staging a protest by lying on the mattress and pretending like nothing is wrong until the sheets are returned. #CatsOfMastodon
I now have a Guest Appearances page that has links to all of my guest spots and guest hosting events.
This is definitely worth listening to, particularly the part about Braille books being burned. If you don’t see parody between that and what is going on now, I’d love to try on your realitiy blinders.
#LivingBlindfully Transcript, Living Blindfully episode 284, celebrating 200 years of Braille and a bright future, lawyers who think all blind people can’t read, and Sonos makes progress while understating the impact of recent events - https://www.livingblindfully.com/lb0284transcript/
I completely agree with this. lots of sites are “accessible”, but confusing as hell.
When we are talking to technology companies like Microsoft, Google, Apple, Amazon and others we need to move their focus away from "compliance" and talk about "usability". It isn't enough to be "compliant". Often this doesn't mean anything in the scheme of things. The true test is how usable is the technology we are buying and using in the market. Let's turn up the heat and hold these companies to account to ensure that not only are things accessible but they are truly usable.
One feature micro.blog has that other social networks don’t have or don’t do as well: AI generates alt text for images. they artistic descriptions, but at least I know what I’m looking at.
Be a lamb and sing Mary Had a Little Lamb for me, Won’t you? Thanks.
Question for us to consider: How does it make you feel when a person is playing music for a group and someone says, “It’s not worth listening to if we don’t know what it means?” This refers to music with lyrics in other languages.