
    Whole>Sum: Impressions of Stephen king's You like It Darker

    Finished reading: You Like It Darker by Stephen King 📚

    If you like the classic short story as done by King, this book has a lot to offer. The Cujo sequel was actually my least favorite, but the story that gets used to sell a collection usually is the one I like the least. I think it’s because that story gets so much hype, then the actual thing ends up being a let down. I liked “Fin”, “The Fifth step” and “Daniel Coughlin’s Bad Dream” the best. Even so, this is a collection where the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.👍🏼

    All Hopped Up

    I finally figured out why this week has essentially been Hell Week for me and anyone who had to deal with me in any capacity: The new meds the doctor gave me can cause elevated hostile behavior and feelings of anger. it’s insidious, though, because it’s not something that just happens. In my case, it played on things i normally find irritating and boosted my response to those. It’s like how in Season 4 of Supernatural when Sam basically gives his brother 20 years of ass kickings because he’s all hopped up on Demon blood. Notice how this gets filed under The X Files because 🖕🏻 Andrew Dab. I don’t even care if I spelled his name right.